Monday, January 3, 2011

Ooh, ooh, fire!

My feet are on fire again. Grrrr.

I had a massage today. Now, I am a great fan of massage and it was wonderful. I can't find any evidence that massage is bad for neuropathy. The pain started before I went for my massage. I blame it on my shoes. I bought some Dansko shoes with my Christmas money, but unlike my other three pairs, this pair seems to aggravate the problem.

After my massage I ate at Silke's, which was probably not better for me because I had potato soup. Then I went to the Y & did 30 minutes on the bike because there was no way I was doing the elliptical. Heck, it was hard enough to keep myself on the bike, but I did it. After that, I actually cooked dinner, washed dishes & did some laundry. I've been doing some research on neuropathy and other things. I still have more research to do, but...let me recommend the massage spa for those of you in the Clarksville area. Bella Medical Spa offers more than massage - they do laser treatments, permanent eye makeup, and other services. It was a Christmas present for me, but the massage prices are listed on the site and are reasonable.

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